text message exchange
10/31/06 10:05pm
JW: You at the parade? Of course you are.
Landry: actually I'm not. I'm home.
JW: you are missing extreme examples of faggotry
Landry: You mean... I have the night off.
text message exchange
A year of everything: of distrust (mostly in my own judgement - I hadn't even thought about trusting someone else until recently), of crying (my father has cleverly figured out when to just get me more coffee and not say a word), of drunken evenings (often) with Landry, of focus (on everything but myself), of control (of every thing around me that I possibly can), of restrictions (on my own path), of hurt (I still wince at remembering the rug being pulled out from under me and hitting the floor)...
My jeans smell like the ocean, and my feet are roughed up from walking in sand and snakeskin all day. The shoes I bought my first week or so back in NYC. The ones that could feed three starving children somewhere in the world. The ones that made me realize when I bought them that my life and my decisions were again and unexpectedly my own in some funny shallow way have had sand in them all day. I would have thrown them in the dark water for 10 more minutes of standing there.
The wind we've had the last couple of days has whistled me to sleep each night. They've taken the edge off fitful dreams and drifting in and out. I think I remember storms from when I was younger. The bed in the corner had a window to the side and head of it... they were always open to let the cat in, and I slept in wind all Fall.
i feel like im getting the 'gotta go's" with blogging again.
Tonight i am stressing about things before they happen and i can't figure out why. Landry talked me off my ledge with beer and promises of Tylenol PM. Stress and travel fatigue are wearing me out. Transition and a letter from the court in MA is most certainly contributing. I turn confidence and nerves on and off like a really fucked up toggle switch. I need more roots. A plan.
This post will sound like its about him, but it isn't. It's about the pieces left. How they fit. All of this is about what I'm left with now. The pieces... some gorgeous, some painful... all in little tiny stacks I've been trying to sort this last year without realizing it.
this is a total cop out for our 101st post.
I slept until 11 today... I think the cool air and my tired head combined forces. Had I not heard squealing children and someone's circular saw... I was good for another hour or two. Fabulously unlike me and my normal 7:30 rising.
gormley drunk dialed work for a conference call last night.
Landry and I untangled a bit of a core difference - of which there are few - between us last night over a late IM.
did you know they still make hair crimpers and shittily disguised attempts at making money? HIS GHOST IS IN THE SHOW!
Landry: what time are you meeting jenny?
For the second time in three weeks, my hands again look like I kicked someones ass. Not a bad look when you can carry it off.
this has been a rough one.
With the completion of the divorce extravaganza in Boston recently, I came home feeling like kicking everythings ass. Tied up some work stuff, cleared the decks, made some lists. Eff everything. All felt very productive. The largest of those decisions came from the following self-examination... why wasn't I unpacked (it's been since March)?, why is there still no couch?
Beer and Cheerios for dinner. Always a bad sign. Landry, where are your saucy weekend stories? Also, I think Rothman got wind of me stealing his shitty connection. I need to either get smarter, or get someone to come fix my router in exchange for a gorgeous dinner and my undying affection.
John: Je suis SO TIRED
Had dinner with the Landry and J. My foundation. Damaged, vs. wounded... still a toss up. One implies permanance. The other implies the possibility of returning to normal with just a scar or two. Scars are cool and all... but I wonder if it's wishful thinking to assume I will come out with just that - or less. I think its deeper. The girls disagree.
i've been unusually quiet, i know.
Edits out of a 2 hour ongoing TM with Landry as I waited for dinner (really notsogood takeout) and she watched TV (The search for Noah's Ark on The History Channel) from opposite sides of the river...
The divorce cactus is trying to die again. Only this time it rots from the base up instead of sideways. Like he's really trying. Landry suggested the other night (over our classy dinner of Hamburger Helper and Presidente - note that the only reason we didn't have guacamole as an appetizer was because the avocados were questionable at best...) that perhaps it was only supposed to get me through the divorce. I have my doubts.